Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Well, I'm starting to think ahead to next year and where we might be at this time. Still can't say for sure. We do know that we will be on the road somewhere visiting old friends and making new ones.

Today seems to be "lilacs blooming day." I wonder if lilacs will be where we are next year. I love the smell of lilacs. With my less than perfect sinuses, my sense of smell has always been weak, but lilacs are one of the few smells I can really enjoy.

Today is Mother's Day and to me it was perfect. Aisha and Soleil had already given me gifts, a card from Soleil and a paper mache bowl from Aisha. So today I asked only for a day of rest. I was sort of hoping to give the truck a bath, but after watching the John Pinette CD (again) (new favorite comedian) and then taking a nearly 3-hour nap, I was done for. While napping, the girls did manage to cut up all the strawberries into bite-size pieces and sprinkled them with sugar and let them sit for our after-dinner dessert (just like my mom used to do it to make all the syrupy sugary strawberry juice at the bottom). Needless to say, I skipped dinner and just went to dessert. I played the game, "do as I say, not as I do" and made sure the girls had a real dinner first. One of the advantages of being mom and it being Mother's Day.

So even though we did not get the truck washed today, I did manage to accomplish the task of getting the air card hooked up to our new d-link wireless router. Now we have our connection through our air card and all the laptops can just use that for internet connection. We are on day two and so far so good! We plan to be able to have the router set up in the camper so that we can use the computers for communication, home schooling, and directions while on the road.

In case you haven't heard, the truck is an absolute dream. The girls and I all love our Chevy Silverado 2500HD diesel crew cab 4 x4 short bed truck! Soleil told me the other day that we need to get one of those "sticky things." When asked for more information, she said, "You know, the paper you stick on your car that says something." I asked her what she thought the "sticky thing" should say and she replied without missing a beat... "A truck is a girl's best friend." LOL I couldn't have said it better myself. I am not a bumper sticker person (don't like messing up a clean car or truck), but we are working on vinyl signs/decals/stickers that we can put on the truck to "advertise" a bit about being UUs, feeling strongly about respect and peace, and being a family. I'll keep you posted to see what we come up with. This truck is definitely these girls' best friend!

On Saturday, May 26th, we are scheduled to have our walk-through and orientation at Bradford RV. They are putting in the hitch to the back of the truck and then we should be all set. I'll send out an all points bulletin to let everyone know what time I hit the road to drive it home for the first time in the truck with the 5th wheel. You might want to clear the roads for this!

Well, that's about it for now. Not too glamorous, but informational. I'm hoping to get a little more organized on this blog spot so we can all keep in touch.
